DPAC Executive

Just like our DPAC representatives , the DPAC Executive are unpaid voluntary representatives, Elected in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws. If you are interested in becoming a part of the executive or any other DPAC or District partner group committees, please contact any executive member below via their email address.
President -Jennifer Pyper, VP1@langleydpac.ca

Jenn has been part of Lynn Fripps PAC for the past 9 years  and Yorkson Creek Middle PAC for the last 3 years. I am a local business owner and I am passionate about volunteering and being part of the community. I am excited to be part of DPAC and expand my learning of the greater community and how we can all contribute together to better our neighbourhoods alike.


Vice-President 1 – vacant




Vice-President 2 – Tisha Krafte , VP2@langleydpac.ca

Tisha, is a BC native and local business owner. She has over 25 years experience in Logistics Management. She had severed the Noel Booth PAC as the DPAC rep for two years. As a mother of a special needs child, Tisha is uniquely equipped to understand other families with special needs children. She enjoys helping others and looking forward to serving the community.




Secretary – Kathie Dalziel, secretary@langleydpac.ca

Having lived in Walnut Grove for over 18 years, Kathie knows that this is the only community for her family to thrive in. She is a dedicated mother who believes in being involved in her child’s education and community. Her daughter is enrolled at a local school and is excelling in the french immersion program. As an Indigenous woman, Kathie brings a unique perspective to the local PAC and DPAC. She is excited to help other parents engage with their children’s school and education.






Treasurer –  Chantale Hubbs, treasurer@langleydpac.ca

Chantale has grown up and lived in Langley her entire life and became a parent-volunteer when her daughter entered Kindergarten so she could be better informed on what was happening in the classroom and school. She has always been involved in her school PAC and has served on PAC executive boards as secretary and DPAC rep.  Chantale works as a Financial Controller and joined the DPAC board as Treasurer in November 2018 which has proven to be a gratifying means of applying her accounting skills to her craving to be involved in the education of children. She believes that when many work together respectfully and collaboratively, great things happen and is driven to foster and encourage parent participation in their children’s education and believes that every parent and family presents a valuable contribution to their school community.



MAL – Kristen Faulkner  , mal1@langleydpac.ca

Kristen moved to Langley in 2007 and has three children in the Langley School District. She has been an active parent volunteer in the District since her oldest began Kindergarten in 2010, and she brings experience from various community Kristen Faulknerinitiatives to this role on the DPAC Executive. She is passionate about building healthy and inclusive school communities and facilitating meaningful engagement and collaboration between parents, educators and youth.





MAL –  Rebecca Hardin , mal2@langleydpac.ca

Rebecca is a local business owner and proud mom of three kids. Two attend high school in Langley, and one has graduated from the Langley School District.  Rebecca has been involved with her school’s PAC since 2017 where she served as a DPAC representative for two of those years. Rebecca has been part of DPAC since 2019. She is passionate about being involved in her school community and helping parents understand they have a voice and their thoughts and concerns are heard and represented.






MAL – Atepfa Faerzin , mal3@langleydpac.ca

I am an experienced educator and researcher with a Ph.D. in Educational Management, and over a decade of expertise in teaching, research, and educational leadership. Currently, I work as a research assistant at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU), where I collaborate on various educational initiatives, while also serving as a preschool teacher.

In addition to my professional roles, I am an active member of the District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) at HD Stafford School, where my son is in Grade 8. Since moving to Canada, I have been dedicated to advocating for the success and well-being of students and families within my community.

My passion lies in improving educational systems, and I am committed to making a positive impact through both research and hands-on experience.

MAL – Haleh Magnus  , mal4@langleydpac.ca

Haleh Magnus is in her first and final year serving as a Member-at-Large on D-PAC, with her youngest child in Grade 12 at Langley Fundamental Middle and Secondary School. Haleh has been deeply involved in the school community for years, contributing to various committees, organizing school events, and participating in the Parent Advisory Council (PAC). She has played key roles in fundraising, event planning, and the marketing committee for school musicals.
In addition to her DPAC role, Haleh is an active member of the Langley Women’s Business Network committee and has served on several boards and committees within the Langley community. Haleh is passionate about community involvement and is also a member of the LAPS Gala committee, working to support local causes.
Professionally, Haleh is the Operations Manager at Magnus Law, where she manages HR, internal accounting, and marketing. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, going to the gym, and spending time with her family and pets.






MAL – Cheryl Santer, mal5@langleydpac.ca

My name is Cheryl Santer and this is my 1st year as a member at large on the DPAC executive.  I have 3 children, my oldest graduated from Vanguard Secondary School in 2023. My middle child is currently in grade 12 at Langley Fine Arts and my youngest is currently registered in grade 9 at Vanguard Secondary School.  I have been involved in DPAC for several years as a DPAC rep for several schools that my children attended. For the last 5 years I have also been involved in several BCCCPAC committees. I am currently the PAC President of Vanguard Secondary School and I am the DPAC Rep for Langley Fine Arts.




MAL – Alicia Rempel , mal6@langleydpac.ca

Alicia is a proud mom to three daughters in the Langley School District and a dedicated local non-profit executive. Since 2013, she has actively participated in Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) and District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC) in various roles. Alicia is a passionate advocate for parents being voices for their children and all students in the public school system. As a vocal supporter of the Langley School District #35, she believes that through collaboration and partnership, the community can achieve great things together