
All the forms related to DPAC can be found in our Form Library. Please click the link below to access it.

DPAC Form Library

Forms available:
Parent Education Reimbursement
Cheque Requisition
– PAC Workbook
-Expense Reimbursement Form
-Bookkeeping spreadsheet
-Code of ethics


Archived information:

Langley DPAC Trustee Candidate Survey 2018 – RESPONSES

The Langley District Parent Advisory Council conducted an online Trustee Candidate Survey consisting of 10 questions. We requested Trustee Candidates complete the survey and provided them with 3 days to respond (plus extension if requested). We hope you find the information informative.

DPAC Communication Survey

Re: Feedback on Communication Effectiveness with the Langley School District. Please return by October 5, 2018.