grass roots

The Grass Roots of the Langley DPAC

The Grass Roots of the Langley DPAC



The Grass Roots of the Langley DPAC…..

In order for the Langley DPAC to be a voice for it’s members, we need to know what is going on with the members. This is a fact.

We do get snippets from the DPAC reps and parents if they speak up at our meetings but we collectively, are wanting more information on what is really happening at a PAC level within each of the District’s many schools.

To achieve this goal, Langley DPAC is hoping to get invitations to attend PAC meetings within the School District.

By doing this, we can see first hand what ‘really’ matters to you at a PAC level as well as providing assistance if you require it from a DPAC level.

We are also hoping to use some of the information we get to monthly showcase a particular school within the District and let others know what dedication and perseverance can really achieve.

Don’t be shy! Send us an invitation.